Nissan Skyline GT-T R34 Metallic Black
The car is a Nissan Skyline GT-R 34 in metallic black.
The original plan was just to give it a one-step polish and then straight to wax. However when the owner brought it in, he realized of the horrendous scratches after I switched on the halogens. The scratches weren’t there before and he usually washes it himself carefully, wiping it gently.
Unfortunately, the day before, his maid washed his car, and this happened.
We were both shocked. Usually I would take two days to do a full correction detail and after testing, a one-step polish wasn’t enough to get rid of the scratches. So I told the owner that I would try to do a two-step polish which consisted of
1) Meguiar’s # 83 Dual-Action Cleaner/Polish @ 1500 rpms with W-8006 polishing pad
followed by
2) Menzerna 106FF @ 900 rpms with W-8006 polishing pad.
The paint isn’t 100% as there are still many random deep scratches which needed compounding.
Not many process pics this time as I was rushing against time.
This was then followed by Meguiar's #21 Synthetic Sealant and FK1 Pink Wax
And here are the after pictures. They are taken the day after the detail and has been driven, please excuse the light dust =)
many thanks to the owner for coming the next day to allow me to take the pictures and letting me sit in his ultra-fast car!! sssssss-psssssssssssss
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