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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Teaser: International Coating Battle


Will these new paint coatings finally kill the wax market once and for all?
Will these coatings actualize the 'never wax your car again' statement?

STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT! Coating test tentative date is mid-August.

The International Coating Battle will soon....begin....


222 11:08 PM  

I just ordered Aquartz set too, thinking about ordering some Gtecniq aswell, but cant find any information where to order that Real Glass Coat :(
Anyway, can't wait for you're test results.

TimG 10:02 PM  

Each has its own USP. I expect a surprising results from the three makers.

Keep us posted Ken dweud!

Kenneth Tang a.k.a Fishbonezken 6:04 PM  

2 new contenders will be featured in the 5 way battle: G'zox Quartz 7 and Nanolex, watch this space!!!

For G'zox, they don't sell it to individuals and are very strict regarding this policy, so it is quite difficult for you to source it. One way posted by Orion from Detailing World is to purchase it from Yahoo! Japan.

Hey bro! Have you tried any of these? I'm curious about the end results too

Toni 1:38 PM  

Waiting forward to your report, this should be very interesting!

I'm just getting contact with the "nano-world" and got myself a coating from Sonax, made in Japan. Can't wait to try it.

Unknown 5:38 AM  

can u tell me which detailing shop provide service for aquartz or gtechniq around KL / selangor ? thanks, wanna go and see finish product physically .

izso 7:18 AM  

Are these easy to apply or have to use some funky doody technique to apply?

KrisMas 12:11 PM  

So are we on for this weekend?

Did you invite Spidey?

drayfx 12:48 AM  

Hi, I see that you guys are trying out the Aquartz. Which version of Aquartz is it? The guy first sold Pompanazzi 880-X as Aquartz, now his Aquartz is basically same a Rionix titanium dioxide which sheets and does not bead? Why because he had problems with Pompanazzi got an official letter from korea saying not to deal with him direct.

drayfx 12:57 AM  

Just went to comment now he has changed to Cquartz. Just FYI I think we should be aware of this Aquartz guy. First he sold Pompanazzi 880-x as aquartz, then change to rionix based stuff and sold it as aquartz+ (i think), then now CQuartz. This guy is just buying stuff and rebranding it as his own. If you surf the web long enough you can find where his stuff is from. What's next after Cquartz?????

drayfx 1:10 AM  

Hahaha, never wax again?? Yah in guai loh country where their environment is so clean yes lah. But never wax again in malaysia. Never. Unless these costing people specially develop a super kow coating for malaysia environment and road conditions, then may be got chance lah. When I was in australia I never washed my white honda civic for 6 months and its white as hell!! Where got such thing here one. Lucky if you can get 2 weeks. But good to try lah.
guys you should do a test on white cars lah. I havn't found a coating yet which doesn't get stained and so terror that keeps my white car here in malaysia clean and black streaks free and stain free. My white cars is driven 180km each day for 5 days a week and I can tell you nothing lasts especially when it rains like hell and then it dries and bakes in the sun. Point is nothing beats constant waxing or sealing of your paint as nothing lasts more than 3 months here in malaysia. But excited to see your results.

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